Monday, 20 April 2015

They say when you hit your 30's life gets easier.
You have more financial stability, generally speaking most woman are comfortable in their careers, and most of us are in long term relationships. (Bar those that are single by choice or otherwise and power to you sisters.)
But what about the in-between stage? The stage where it has been longer than a year but less than 3, the honeymoon faze is drawing to a close and the real world comes a knocking.

You are 30+ and you feel like you are with the man you want to spend your life with and the clock is ticking.
This statement in itself is enough to send most men packing!
But I mean, what is so bad about bringing that conversation up?
Surely you want and need to know earlier rather than later if the person you are with wants that as well, otherwise you might be in for a tough decision/position later down the track.
I have a handful of girlfriends that thought they would be mums by now, but due to breakups in there thirties, medical reason, or just bad luck this has not happened for them.
The thought of going back into the world of dating is just downright scary, (for me anyway) not to mention the serious lack of available men in this city, plus when you do finally find him, you then have to create a stable foundation and that could take years, and before you know it you are 38+ and uncertain if the baby boat will ever sail in your direction.

How many of you are in or have been in that situation?

News flash for the men out there... We do not choose to become baby obsessed weirdos, but for some hormonal, primally driven reason the thought of procreation enters a woman mind at least once a day. Guaranteed.
I am not saying this happens to all women. I know women that bulk at the very mention of a crying baby and sometimes I wish that was me, but alas. It most definitely is not.

For the record... I am NOT a bunny boiler, but man, when I see my friends, my family and most hot men with babies strapped to them on the street its enough for me to want to hassle my beloved to a point that he wished he was not in the same room as me, let alone be having this conversation.
Don't get me wrong (friends and family reading this, I have no intention of "accidentally" getting knocked up) but as my 34th Birthday fast approaches it has definitely been a topic that has been circulating my internal dialogue.

Then there is the the other story that is being told. (inside my head)
Do we really want to bring more children into a world that is on such a fast decline?!

Being a Woman in your early to mid 30's is tough. Shit, being a women is tough. Actually just being human is tough. Especially in the world we live right now.
Land is sinking due to rising sea levels, but yet some governments choose to believe that global warming does not exist.
People are still killing people for profit and religion (useless if we don't have a planet to spend the profits on) and in a world that has unbelievably wealthy individuals we still have mass poverty and starvation.
This of course is all another story entirely.

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