Tuesday, 31 March 2015

I have recently decided to create a new chapter. A new beginning and a new story.
Due to the immediate and abrupt end to my job, I decided that its all ok. I can now do the things that I have been putting off because, well simply I have been too bloody lazy to do!
Add to that the fear of failure, The work I know I will have to put in and the reality that maybe, just maybe I will be pretty poor for a while, not to mention waaaaay out of my comfort zone.

Well as a good friend of mine says "the F*@k it button has been well and truly activated and I could not be happier!

In light of this I just wanted to send you all a little bit of love, a little bit of light and a whole lot of F*@k it!

You want something? Then go and Get IT!


There will always be somebody in this world willing to shut you down due to there own fear.
Ignore them! Work Hard for what you want and don't give up until you are where you want to be!